  • A (22)
  • B (5)
  • C (5)
  • D (10)
  • E (1)
  • I (1)
  • L (1)
  • M (3)

Dictionary of the Critical School 



A petty-bourgeois opportunist current in the labor movement. Like anarchism, many of whose ideas it assimilated, anarcho-syndicalism, in the labor movement was directed against political forms of class struggle and the leading role of the Marxist party. Proponents of anarcho-syndicalism saw the economic strikes, sabotage, boycotts and the like as the principal means of opposing capitalism. Anarcho-syndicalism arose in the late 19th century and had a following mainly in France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and Latin America. Prior to the Second World War, it had considerable influence in the international trade union movement, but the increased influence of communist and workers’ parties and the upsurge of the revolutionary movement in the capitalist countries following the war drastically undermined anarcho-syndicalism. 


Anarchy of Production

Chaotic development of social production when economic laws operate spontaneously. Anarchy of Production is typical of commodity production based on private property in the means of production. Under capitalism, Anarchy of Production is universal and destructive, leads to major economic upheavals and is a direct cause of economic crises of overproduction. The principal contradiction of capitalism – between the social character of production and the private capitalist form of appropriation – is manifested above all as a contrast between the organization of production at individual enterprises and the Anarchy of Production within the capitalist economy. 



The principal ideological and political instrument of the present-day imperialist bourgeoisie. With the changed balance of forces in favor of socialism, imperialist reactionary circles, which express the interests of the military industrial complex, have been elaborating the strategy and tactics of Anti-Communism, creating and financing special centers for anti-communist propaganda. The ideologists of the bourgeoisie are trying to prevent the spread of Marxism-Leninism among the masses. The forces of Anti-Communism see it as their main objective to strike a blow against the world communist movement, “erode” socialist society and its ideology, divide the socialist countries and weaken the anti-imperialist forces. With the dissolution of Soviet Union, the Anti-Communism proponents are claiming to have scored a major victory of sorts. 



The policy of racial discrimination and segregation practiced by the South African reactionary ruling quarters against the indigenous African population and in large degree against immigrants from India. The Africans were forced to live in the reservations (renamed Bantustans in 1959), had no civil rights, received lower wages than their white counterparts, etc. Although it is claimed to have ceased, Apartheid and its actual implications continue to exist in many capitalist parts of the world, including the US and Israel, where racial discriminations are very much a part of social reality.


Armed Uprising

A form of class struggle, open action with arms in hand by a class or a social force against the existing political power. Most often it is part and parcel of revolution and occurs when the dominant classes employ violent repressive measures in an effort to hold on to power. While regarding Armed Uprising as the supreme form of class struggle, Marxists do not absolutize it. They do not reject the possibility of the proletariat gaining power peacefully.